Quality matters to the Brolly Sheets team and that’s one of the reasons why we chose our specific cotton mill for our fabric. Yes, we could have picked a different cotton factory with lower overheads. Yes, this could have lowered the prices of our products, and potentially made us a larger profit.
But we didn’t, and instead chose one of the top three cotton mills in China as the Brolly Sheets mill. We visited it recently, and today we’re inviting you to come along and learn more about the reasons we made this decision.
Brolly Sheets Mill is One of China’s Top Three Cotton Mills
Until I started Brolly Sheets, the process of how cotton got from the bush to the piece of fabric didn’t really cross my mind. I’ve since visited our factory and discovered the process is way more complicated and time consuming. In fact, it’s utterly fascinating.
Our cotton is made in one of the top three cotton mills in China. Established in 1919, the mill was moved into purpose built buildings about 15 years ago. Each building has been designed to house the modern, Swiss made machinery used by the cotton factory workers. We’re happy to report that the machinery is safe to operate, and all of it can be found in buildings which are large, light and airy.
Our guides were more than happy to show us around during our visit. There was plenty of room for us to move around inside the buildings. Each were very well lit, and we were impressed with the quality of both the buildings and the machinery they housed.
Our chosen Chinese mill produces over 50 million metres of fabric each year. To provide the quality of fabric our customers demand requires the expertise of the workers at this factory. It’s this expertise, combined with the exceptional working conditions which confirms to us that we’ve made a great decision in choosing this mill.
More Reasons Why Our Chosen Cotton Mill is Amazing
Here at Brolly Sheets, we’re all about providing our customers with the best products and the best service.
We believe that the philosophy of this cotton mill fits perfectly with our ethos: to select premium raw materials, employ skilled personnel, and operate advanced textile machines to product top quality products. With gardens around the mill growing produce for workers to eat, and clean and spacious working environments within the mill, we’re proud to partner with another company who also places pride in the value of using quality materials to produce quality goods.
We’ll never be the cheapest provider of waterproof bedding and assistive products. But we are the best because we stand for quality in everything we do and sell.
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