The Difference Between Day and Night Pants

Most kids will learn to toilet train during the day a few years before they learn to toilet train during the night.
For this reason, our two ranges of training pants have been specifically designed with different purposes in mind. 💡

Did you know that daytime training comes before night training for most kids.  Day time is around 2 – 3 years and nighttime 4 years plus.  Of course, it is different for every child. 

For this reason, our Snazzi Pants have been specifically designed with differences between our day and night pants.      


Snazzi Day Trainers

Snazzi Night Trainers 

Unisex design 

Gender specific design to ensure absorbent padding is where it is most needed  

Lower absorbency for daytime accidents 

Higher absorbency for overnight accidents 

No pocket for booster pad  

Has a pocket to fit an extra booster pad 

To fit ages 1 – 4 years 

To fit ages 2 – 12 years  

Made from comfy cotton 

Made from comfy cotton