Mums in Business - Fabuleux Vous

Let Us Introduce You Fabuleux Vous

Tell us your name, and a bit about your tribe
My name is Helen Thompson-Carter. Mother of Lucy (26 years) and Jane (23 years).
(Myself and my two girls, Lucy and Jane at a Heart Foundation Event.)
What is your business?
My business is called Fabuleux Vous Ltd, fine and fashion jewellery.
Why and when did you start your business?
Fabuleux Vous otherwise known as FV Jewellery launched in 2014. I spotted a niche in the market, I wanted to showcase the emotional connection, its powerfulness and infinity with fine meaningful jewellery. I have a passion for everything French in the fashion and food space with a strong belief that luxury should be affordable and accessible to every woman.
What is the best business and / or parenting tip you have been given?
1. If you want it to happen, you need to make it happen
2. Never give up
3. The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed
4. Business & Family – ‘Balance’ – Family always first

How do you stay sane while dealing with the stresses of business and family?
I am not sure I do – LOL!
It is a mighty big challenge not to be underestimated – as your family get older their needs are still there, they are just different. I am grateful and blessed to be part of a big family, a massive and diverse circle of friends and an incredible connection with business communities. Communication is key – to share and importantly to listen and digest……
And, there is always a delicious glass or 2 of Chardonnay!
Tell us something funny that has happened in the last few months
Mothers Day – being in level 3 …. We live on a lifestyle block in South Auckland Lucy, Jane along with their partners Ryan and Harry and my husband organised a special ‘Wine Tour’ …We started in the Pool House – Champagne, ribs and squid. We then moved to the deck – Sangria, Corn chips and salsa. Then – I was blindfolded and given ear muffs and we all got in the car – we went up and down the road a couple of times and then when the car finally stopped we were down the paddocks with stools and the boot down with Chardonnay and a fabulous cheese platter! The cows were keen to join in too….
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