Mums in Business - The Paper People

Let Us Introduce You To The Paper People
Tell us your name, and a bit about your tribe
My name is Bronwen Hurford, Wife of Johnny (in photo above), Mum of Tilly (5 years) and Huxley (3 years).
What is your business?
Our business is called The Paper People, an online greeting card shop. For every card we sell we also give a donation towards planting native trees along and around the waterways of our beautiful country.
Why and when did you start your business?
I launched the shop in November last year but have been working on the business and website for more than a year before that. I have had a few different businesses over the years but wanted something where I could do most of the sweat equity myself (unpaid hours!) and seeing as I am a freelance graphic designer I could do the website and design the initial range of cards myself too. The plan is to sell cards featuring artwork from artists around NZ. I also I love the flexibility of having my own business which fits around other freelance work and my family. (And I was tired of all the cliche cards out there - most of them coming from overseas.)
What is the best business and / or parenting tip you have been given?
In business its don’t wait until everything is perfect before you launch your idea to the world. It is an ongoing process and sometimes the need for perfection can prevent you from just being brave and doing it.

How do you stay sane while dealing with the stresses of business and family?
My husband, family and friends all offer a lot of support. I also decided early on that if I have other paid freelance work to do that takes priority. I’ve learnt this is all a never ending process. Often in business you can’t know what you need to know until you need to know it so I’m trying to gain a bit of patience and realise things won’t happen overnight. Also I’ve just signed up for a Facebook advertising course - I realise its so much less stressful to ask for help than try and figure out how to do everything myself.
Tell us something funny that has happened in the last few months
Something funny? With a 3 and 5 year old in the house there is always a lot of funny stuff going on. At the moment we’re getting lots of why did the chicken cross the road jokes.
Special offer!
Get $15 off if you buy a pack of 10 cards or $5 off for a pack of 5 cards!